"One thing we do really have to recognize is this is a domestic enemy. This is not just people with different ideas. These are not just nice folks who have funny, silly ideas that they will eventually figure out or [are] just not very mature. No. These people are dangerous, dangerous enemies, and they are intent on overthrowing this country and imposing a socialist system that will mean extreme hardship for the vast majority for people of this country."
If people didn't have their heads in the sand (thinking all is well and/or being distracted by all the unimportant things of the world), they would have the awareness that there is IN FACT a domestic, agenda-driven enemy. People obtaining this realization would in turn destroy this progressives/socialist agenda. The enemy knows this, though, so it uses the media, entertainment, drugs, immorality, culture, and all other forms of distractions to hide their evil doings. To further protect their identity and purpose, they have convinced the blind that the aware are merely paranoid or are "conspiracy theorists." They have transformed our culture into a culture of tolerance, which has enabled radicals to be more open and bold with their operations. Their beliefs and behavior are no longer bad, wrong, or evil -- they are just "different." And, based on current appropriate social behavior, others must be tolerant and even caring of their "differences." The current unpopularity and abhorrence to absolute values has caused the creation of a multitude of "gray areas" between right/wrong and good/evil.
The locomotive of subversion exists and is quickly picking up steam; at full-throttle, it can be virtually unstoppable. It began rolling down the tracks ages ago, with many warning of its movement(s) and tactics.
Our media and culture tell us that Americans are NOT unintelligent, mechanically-brained sheep -- that we are instead an informed, independent, and unrestrained new-aged brand of sheep. How empowering! And while we swell in our supposed fortune and freedom, members of our own herd (wolves in sheep's clothing; link here, here, and here) load us aboard the crowded gravy locomotive... er ...train into the hands of Lucifer.
Enjoying the ride?