There’s no brain-tease about it: this no-brainer purchase is a proclamation to the brain-eaters that my brains are off limits.
Now, this machete is by no means the survivalist’s panacea—in a box of crayons, there are many colors needed to produce a fully fridge-worthy work. And so my quest turned to hunting knives—swell for skinning and cutting meat, but also fatal to flesh-eaters during the final global walkabout. You can’t tell me that Dundee won’t be one of the last men standing.
I mentioned in passing to the wife about this next purchase. Her innocent reply: “Can’t you just use your sword?” By “sword” she meant the machete. I chuckled inside. How funny! I need a giant hunting knife for skinning and cutting game. Swords aren't for this! And they certainly aren't the same as a machetes. Swords are better for distant dueling and thrusting, and I definitely don’t have anything like that. She just doesn’t under... wait a second... I don’t have anything like that!
And the prepping goes on.
Good thinking, honey. ;-)
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