Friday, September 7, 2012

More than Thunder in the Skies

A Young hike.
Rest-assured one or more of the following will happen:
1. Flat tire
2. Mom lost
3. Heavy rain
4. Vehicle engine troubles
5. Injury (usually to a foot or leg)
6. Vehicle stuck
7. Something major lost (like a wallet)
8. Etc.
Last Saturday it was #3, though it did not last long. Though Torin was upset during the poor weather, it was not due to the soggy conditions. He actually wanted his own fishing pole. So I found it interesting he seemed untroubled by the showers. (Incidentally, he HATES taking showers.)
In time, the thunders rolled in, and for the next half hour or so I had the following conversation multiple times:
“What’s dat noise?”
“It’s thunder.”
“What’s dat noise?”
“What’s dat noise?”
“Torin, that noise is THUNDER.”
“Go dair. Go see it.”

“We can’t. It’s high in the sky—in the clouds.”
“Wanna see it.”
“You can’t see thunder, Torin. You can only hear it.”
“Go up dair. See it.”
“It’s too high in the sky. We can’t get there.”
“Wan-oo go up dair? Wan-oo?”
And this went on and on. He was peculiarly persistent, even beyond his norm. And then it struck me. I sensed a link from the thunder to my Thunder. Were the two somehow syncing? Was Torin feeling a kind of invisible connection to the thunder or perhaps beyond? Oh pish posh! This is not practical thinking; Dad’s seen too much Sci-Fi and other silliness.
But had you only heard the insistence in his voice. Had you felt the circumstance...

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