Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Calculator

Torin is the most CURIOUS little creature I've ever seen. His neck is on a swivel! He must see and touch every little thing possible. This behavior is FAR beyond that of the average baby. Like most babies, he tries to jam anything within reach into his mouth. But unlike many babies, Torin never stops going, searching, plotting, tampering, and discovering. I've really never seen anything quite like it. He's a curious kid times 100. He is NOT mischievous; he maintains a sense of caution, maybe fear. He’s suspicious at times but not so much to trump watchfulness.

Take, for example, rolling over from belly to back. He was capable of this milestone early on (2 months), but soon held back from performing it regularly until later (4 months). I sensed his capability, but as his intelligence grew or at least once his cognizance discovered that turning to his back was a precarious event—one that made him feel awkward or unnecessarily exposed to harm—he chose not to roll over. His caution trumped his curiosity. Only once he felt capable of handling, coping with, or advancing in some fashion beyond the roll, did he begin to routinely venture to that situation.

Maybe a silly dad is over-thinking things? It’s hard to know, but it’s clear he has been crafted with a curious and calculating mind.

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